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Quito, Ecuador, Kids Club
Child Sponsorship, Ecuador
Child Sponsorship, Ecuador
Kids Club, Quito, Ecuador
Child Sponsorship, Ecuador
Child Sponsorship, Ecuador
Share Christmas, Ecuador
Short-term missions, Ecuador

welcome to Revolution Ministries

a ministry seeking to educate and empower children and their families in Ecuador, South America.

¨No one ever comes to our neighborhood. Everyone thinks we are bad people. You came into our neighborhood to help us like you were sent to us from Heaven. Thank you!¨  -Marionela, mother                                                          of two children in                                                            Kids Club

Our experience with Revolution Ministries was amazing! We cannot wait to train other teams to come and build on the work she is doing with the kid's ministry for the children in Quito!
-Emma Paradie, short-term mission trip participant

¨Thanks to sponsors, we have been able to cover all the costs of education for my children. I believe that God put the sponsors in our lives just when we most needed them.¨
-Fausto Illescas, father of four sponsored children

¨Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.¨ -James 1:27

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