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  • How much does sponsorship cost?
    Sponsorship is a donation of $35 a month.
  • Are my donations to Revolution Ministries tax deductible?
    Yes! You will receive monthly and yearly reports of all of your donations in the mail, including child sponsorship donations, which you can you use for tax purposes.
  • What does child sponsorship pay for?
    Your sponsor child will usually receive a checkup and a dentist checkup, as well as any medicine or vitamins he or she needs. Most likely they will also receive medicine for parasites. Aside from this, your sponsorship donation will be used where it is needed most. For example, in September your donation will probably go towards school supplies and school uniforms. Other months your donation may go toward new shoes, new clothes, food, medicine, etc. depending on the needs of your sponsor child. The goal is to lessen the burden for the parents and help provide for the children, so each child will receive their support based on what is needed most. Each child receives a birthday gift and Christmas gift from you, and we focus a large percentage of your donations on education and health.
  • What percentage of my donation goes to my sponsor child?
    All of it! We do not take any money out of your donation for our ministry, salaries, or publicity, which makes our program different from many popular programs. Everything your funds are used for will benefit your sponsor child directly. If you decide to send an extra donation, which is completely optional, for something specific for your child, we will use it 100% for what you have designated it for. You will receive an annual accounting report detailing every penny that has been spent as well as any money that is still left in the child´s account.
  • How can I find out about my child´s specific needs?
    You will receive periodic updates on your sponsor child, right here on this website. In addition to monthly sponsorship, you may have the opportunity to send additional donations according to your sponsor child´s needs. These donations are optional, and will be detailed in your updates as they arise. You can also always feel free to email us directly if you would like to know more about your child´s needs.
  • How often will I receive updates on my sponsor child?
    You will receive an accounting update annually in January for your child, however we do try to post updates and pictures several times a year on our website. You will go to our page for current sponsors and click on your child´s ID number to see his or her most current information. You will also be able to see updates and pictures through our social media accounts. If you haven´t heard from us lately and want more information, feel free to email us!
  • Can I sponsor more than one child?
    Yes! You may sponsor as many children as you would like.
  • Will I be the only person sponsoring my sponsor child?
    Yes. Each child may have only one sponsor. You may choose to sponsor your sponsor child with a group, like a Sunday school class or friends, in which case your group will provide the only sponsorship that child receives. No other group or individual will sponsor your sponsor child.
  • How long does sponsorship last?
    The ideal sponsorship situation lasts until the child´s eighteenth birthday, unless he or she decides to pursue college, in which case it would last until the twenty-first birthday. If you choose to continue sponsorship after that date, you will be given a new sponsor child.
  • How do I make my monthly sponsorship donation?
    You can just send it in to the following address, with your child´s ID number on the memo line. We ask that you send it in by the 15th of every month. Some people prefer to pay a year at a time, which is fine, too. Just include a note explaining that that is what you´d like to do. You can also arrange for your bank to pay automatically through the bill pay feature, by having it sent to this address: Revolution Ministries 2429 Glencoe St. Springfield, IL 62704 Please do not make your sponsorship payments through PayPal.
  • Can I write letters to my sponsor child?
    Yes! In fact, we encourage it! You can send your letters to the following address and we will translate them and get them to your sponsor child. Please keep in mind that international mail is slow and it may take a few months to get a response. Revolution Ministries 2429 Glencoe St. Springfield, IL 62704
  • Can I send packages to my sponsor child?
    Yes! However, before you buy a present for your sponsor child to mail, please email us and let us know that you would like to send a package and include what item you might like to send. We will help you with this process to make sure the items you would like to send are legal to send through customs and to make sure it gets to your sponsor child.
  • I have a question not answered here.
    Please email us your question at the address below and we will get back to you shortly!
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